To provide the capacity building inputs, our program in “Entrepreneurship Skill Development for Women” in collabaoation with Friends of Women World Banking (FWWB), India and Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HBSC) India was launched in the year 2018. Since then Women Entreneurs have being sucessfully trained and enlightened in terms of financial education, digital literacy, basic business management and leadership skill along with different livelihood skill training.
As a part of this program, organise exposure visit for woment entrepreneurs in different renowed and successful Institution within and outside the state, helping them to explore and well-equip in managing to upgrade their businesses.

Women entrepreneurs have got more inputs on financial education and business skill building from our program on “Nurturing for Women Entrepreneurs” in collaboartion with Friends of Women World Banking (FWWB), India and Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HBSC) India. Under this program selected women entrepreneurs have got 360 degree support for overall supports.