In Manipur, the electricity was not reliable. People were facing acute problems of power shortage and people were accessing only 5 to 8 hours a day. There was a roster for every alternative day. The only option left to people was a candle and kerosene lamp.
At that time Chanura introduced its “From Darkness to Light” program under the partnership with Friends of Women World Bank (FWWB), India which was launched on 19th December 2009 by Ms. Vijayalakshmi Das, Chief Executive Officer, Friends of Women World Bank (FWWB), India at Haobam Marak Ngagom Leikai, Imphal. In this launching function Mr. D. Ghosh, General Manager, SIDBI, Ms. Ramani, Thrives Energy Technology, Ms. Veena Krishnamurthy, FWWB, and Chanura’s Board Directors also participated.
Under Chanura – FWWB partnership, we achieved so far:
* 50,561 solar lanterns, Study Lamps, Mini Home lights and fans, etc. with a cost of Rs. 13.64 crores have been distributed.
* More than 26,880 families were benefited.
* Family income increases by extending working hours at night.
* 9,465 children enjoyed their studies with solar study lamps.
Enhancing the solar energy program, again Chanura Launched its “Clean Energy for Clean Environment Mission” (CE2 Mission) under the project “Ensuring energy security for communities living in remote areas in Manipur of Centre for Microfinance & Livelihood (CML) supported by TATA TRUSTS.
The key outputs of this Mission include power supply for basic lighting and livelihood interventions which will improve the primary quality of life and incomes of these households.
Under this mission, families benefitted from solar home lighting and livelihood (solar sewing machine).